This is mary.
The nice lady in the funny hat was my mother, Mary.
My name is Christine and I am middle named after her. And the Virgin, I assume. We were quite Catholic.
But like catholic with a lower case ‘c’, this website, mary., seeks to embrace a wide variety of subjects and ideas - and to try to find the funny, especially in this not so funny time we are all living through.
Here you’ll find humor (hopefully) in the form of parody, satire, fake news items, and a few real life stories.
And just so I can feed the SEO beast, let me say: funny, comedy, politics, women, laugh, WTF, silly, haha, the world is crazy, ridiculous, YouTube, Amazon and Taylor Swift.
Mostly it’s an attempt to respond to the changes I experience as a middle aged woman trying to navigate a frequently disorienting, rapidly changing world.